10 Fun Long Distance Date Ideas That Aren’t Just Another Video Call

LDR dates have always held a unique charm for me, offering a completely different experience from conventional relationships. When I first embarked on my long distance relationship journey, my partner and I would overflow with creative ideas for planning fun long distance date ideas.

During the Covid times, we discovered an app called Hike which featured something called HikeLand—a private space where we could watch YouTube videos together on the same screen and chat for hours. We would play our favorite songs and videos, sharing the cutest love stickers as we did. Sadly, the app shut down a year later, and we lost one of our most cherished date ideas ever!

While we still get to enjoy our ‘Netflix Party’ sessions, sometimes you just crave something a bit more. It’s important to mix things up with fun activities for long distance couples. Keeping things fresh and exciting is essential—it’s what keeps those butterflies fluttering and the adrenaline pumping in our relationship.

10 Fun Long Distance Date Ideas for Long Distance Couples

Looking for fun long distance date ideas that go beyond just video calls and Netflix watch parties? You’re in the right place! We’ve curated a list of unique and exciting activities to try out for your next date. Perfect for anyone wanting to keep the spark alive and make every moment special, no matter the distance.

1. Start Reading a Book Together

Are you tired of watching movies or series long distance? Coordinating to press play at the same time, not being able to pause when you need a quick break—it can get frustrating! But if exploring new stories together is your thing, why not start reading a book together?

Reading a book together offers so many fun and new ways to connect!

  • You can choose books based on themes you both are interested in.
  • You both can control the pace—reading 10 pages a day would be perfect!
  • You can explore various themed books, making it a fun activity for long distance couples.
  • Plus, it gives you plenty to talk about on your dates, keeping the conversation lively and engaging.

Isn’t it the most low-key yet fun long distance date idea ever?

2. Karaoke Nights

One of the coolest things to do in long distance relationships is the freedom to be completely wild with your partner. Dancing like no one’s watching or singing like no one’s listening! Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

Whenever you’re in the mood for some madness, plan a virtual karaoke night with your long distance partner. All you need to do is set up your karaoke device and position your phone at a distance where your partner can get the perfect view of you dancing and singing your heart out!

If you don’t have karaoke equipment, you can even play Antakshari together. After all, it’s the craziness that counts.

3. Write a Story Together

Isn’t it magical to imagine life with your partner in a dreamy meadow or to wonder how things might have been if you had met under different stars? Surely, I can’t be the only one who gets lost in these thoughts! If you’re looking for a fresh, engaging way to connect across the miles, why not invite your partner to co-create these imaginary fairy tales together?

Here’s a playful date idea for you and your partner: start writing a story, one chapter at a time. Perhaps one of you can lay down the first lines, setting the scene, then pass it to the other to continue where the last chapter left off.

This activity isn’t just about being creative together—it’s a chance to explore and express how you would love each other in an ideal world, without any barriers. Through weaving these stories, you’ll deepen your bond and enjoy escaping into a world where anything is possible, together.

4. Plan a Virtual Trip 

For those long-distance couples who can’t frequently travel to meet their partners due to various constraints, here’s something just for you!

We understand that not everyone has the privilege to hop on a plane and visit their loved ones in another city, state, or country. If you’re craving the experience of traveling together, why not embark on a virtual trip?

While it might sound a bit cheesy, the important thing is that it serves its purpose: keeping your spirits high in challenging circumstances.

With a virtual trip, your imagination can run wild. Dream of visiting any destination—Vegas, Dubai, Paris, or Santorini—you name it, and you’re there.

To bring this experience to life, utilize tools like Google Earth, Earth Album, and 360 Cities. Discuss and explore what you would do if you were actually there. Map out your routes using Google Earth for an immersive experience.

And, to truly feel like you’re exploring together, use a platform like Zoom to share your screen. This ensures that both of you can see everything at the same time, making your virtual journey feel as real and connected as possible.

Isn’t this one of the most fun long distance date ideas ever?

5. Bucket List Creation

No matter how often you manage to meet, there are always those fun activities for long distance couples you wish to do with each other but just can’t, often due to time constraints. We know how disheartening it can be, but you can transform this situation into a fun opportunity for connection!

Consider creating a weekly or monthly bucket list. From the moment you part ways to when you next meet, compile a list of small, meaningful activities you’d like to do together. Maintaining such a bucket list can cultivate both anticipation and excitement, keeping the spark alive until you’re reunited.

6. Learn Your Partner’s Language

Here’s a special shout-out to those long-distance couples who hail from different countries or cultures. Even though you both speak a common language to communicate, there’s a part of each of you that the other hasn’t yet discovered—your culture, which shapes who you are.

Why not take the time to dive into each other’s backgrounds? A fun place to start is by sharing your native languages. Teach them how to whisper sweet nothings like ‘I love you’ or ‘I miss you’ in your mother tongue, and ask them to teach you the same phrases in theirs.

As the saying goes, “Find someone who speaks your language so you don’t have to spend a lifetime translating your soul.” By sharing your languages and cultures, you’re doing just that—connecting deeply without the need for translation.

Trust me, learning about each other’s cultures and languages can be one of the most beautiful ways to bond. Plus, it makes for a fun long distance date idea, ain’t it?

7. Take Up Any Challenge Together

Taking on a challenge together can be an exciting and rewarding way to bond with your partner, especially in a long distance relationship. It’s not just about the challenge itself but the shared experience of working toward a common goal. Here are challenges you can take together as fun long distance date ideas:

Fitness Goals: Set a fitness goal, like running a certain number of miles each week or completing a specific workout program. Share your progress, cheer each other on, and even have a little friendly competition.

Cooking Challenges: Pick a recipe you both want to try and cook it simultaneously in your own kitchens. Share pictures, swap tips, and enjoy a meal “together” while discussing how it turned out.

DIY Projects: Find a DIY project that interests both of you, whether it’s crafting, building something, or even digital projects like coding a small game. Work on your projects together and share your progress through photos or videos.

These challenges not only serve as a fun long distance date idea but also create shared memories and experiences, strengthening your connection. It’s all about turning the distance into an opportunity to grow together, one challenge at a time.

8. SharePlay Your Favourite Songs 

This one’s for the iPhone users! Your phone’s SharePlay feature serves as a fantastic and fun long distance date idea.

Share songs that hold special meaning for you. It could be a song that reminds you of your first date together, or a song that you listen to whenever long distance hits you hard, or just something that makes you happy.

Don’t worry, Android users—you can do this too with apps like Spotify or YouTube Music. Sharing your favourite tunes isn’t just about the music; it’s about sharing pieces of your life and building a deeper connection.

9. Relive the Golden Moments with Photo Tour

When was the last time you both reminisced about your cherished moments together? If it’s been a while, we have a unique and fun long distance date idea for you to simply do that.

Grab your favourite device, set up a Zoom call, and take a photo tour down memory lane! Spend some time collecting photos that capture your journey together. Include everything from your first date to the silly selfies, the scenic trips, and those random candid shots that show your true selves.

Ask your partner what they remember about each moment. How did they feel? What were they thinking? Reminiscing about old moments can instantly elevate your mood, so keep including this in your long distance dates!

10. Create a Relationship Quiz

Isn’t it adorable how you can predict your partner’s reaction to something special you do for them? Have you ever wondered if they know you just as well?

For your next long distance date, why not take a relationship quiz together and discover how much you really know about each other?

It’s a fun and enlightening activity that can deepen your bond and spark great conversations. Try out quizzes from sites like The Gottman Institute or Blossom Up for insightful and engaging questions. BuzzFeed also offers lighthearted quizzes that can add a touch of spice to your fun long distance date idea.

Wrapping Up

If you’ve read this far, congratulations! You are no longer stuck in the loop of boring video calls and now have some fun long distance date ideas to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

Have we missed something? Comment below with your own tips and tricks for making long distance dates fun and exciting!

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I’m Nikita

Trust me, I understand the challenges of long-distance relationships all too well—been there for solid six years myself! That’s why I’m here: to share my survival guide, and to help you thrive in your love life, no matter the distance. Dive in for insights and inspiration to bridge the distance with love and laughter.

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