9 Best Apps to Watch Movies Together Long Distance

Living apart from your significant other means missing out on countless shared moments—from quality time spent together to the simple joy of cuddling during movie dates. Yet, in our digitally connected world, is skipping out on movie nights truly necessary? Absolutely not! With a plethora of apps designed for long-distance movie watching, there’s no need to struggle with syncing movies just to enjoy a virtual date night. If you’re searching for the best apps to watch movies together long distance, offering a seamless way to watch films together, despite the miles, keep reading!

Tips for the Perfect Movie-Watching Ambiance

Before we dive into the apps, let’s set the stage for a cozy and romantic virtual date night, shall we?

1. Pre-select the Movie

Decide on your movie ahead of time to jump straight into the experience together.

2. Sync Your Start

Use apps to start the movie at the same time, enhancing the feeling of togetherness.

3. Create Comfort

Set up a cozy watching spot with blankets and pillows for a snug experience.

4. Set the Lighting

Dim the lights to mimic a cinema-like atmosphere for both.

5. Snack Together

Prepare similar snacks or meals to enjoy the same tastes together during the movie.

6. Ensure Good Audio

Good headphones or speakers can dramatically improve your shared movie experience.

7. Express Reactions

Share your immediate reactions during the movie to feel more connected.

8. Post-Movie Chat

Discuss the movie afterwards to share thoughts and deepen your connection.

9 Easy-to-Use Apps to Watch Movies Together Long Distance

Here are 10 long distance movie watching apps that will be a game changer in your long distance movie watching online: 


Synaptop offers a virtual cinema experience that’s as close to a real movie date as it gets. Imagine watching a romantic comedy or a thrilling drama while feeling like your partner is right there with you, sharing every laugh and gasp. What sets Synaptop apart from all the other apps to watch movies together long distance is its ease of synchronization and the quality of streaming, ensuring that you’re both watching the same scene at the same time, with no lags or delays. It’s perfect for those moments when you need to feel close, sharing the same emotional journey even when you’re apart.


Watch2Gether is about more than just movies; it’s about sharing life. You can watch videos, listen to your favorite songs, or go shopping together. It’s like having a virtual date where you can explore your interests, create memories, and basically watch movies together long distance, making every night special. The platform supports various content types, allowing you to keep each date unique and exciting. It’s the spontaneity and the ability to share real-time reactions that make Watch2Gether a gem for long-distance couples.

Netflix Party (Teleparty)

watch movies together long distance

Netflix Party, now Teleparty, turns Netflix watching into an event. With thousands of movies and shows at your fingertips, you can plan the perfect movie night, complete with synchronized playback and a chat feature to share your thoughts and emotions in real time. It’s the little comments, the shared laughter, and the feeling of togetherness that Teleparty fosters, making it an invaluable tool to watch movies together long distance for couples looking to enjoy cozy nights in.


Kast is a versatile platform that extends beyond movie watching to sharing all kinds of digital moments. It’s about creating a shared space where you can watch movies, stream videos, or play games, adding variety to your virtual meetups. Kast understands that relationships thrive on shared experiences, providing a platform where every online date feels new and exciting, fostering a deeper connection between partners.


Scener offers a private movie theater for your romantic watch parties. What’s unique about Scener is its large group support and video chat feature, allowing you to see each other’s reactions as if seated together in a cinema. Planning a special movie night becomes an intimate experience, where you can whisper to each other, share smiles, and feel the warmth of your partner’s presence, making Scener a favorite for special occasions or simply whenever you miss seeing each other’s faces. Scener is one of the most easy-to-use app to watch movies together long distance.


TwoSeven is designed with long-distance relationships in mind, focusing on real-time video sharing with webcam and chat support. It’s the visual connection, the ability to look into your partner’s eyes, share a smile, or blow a kiss, that makes watching a movie together on TwoSeven so special. It supports a wide range of streaming services, ensuring you have access to an extensive library of films to enjoy on your virtual date nights.

Plex Watch Together

Plex Watch Together brings a high-quality streaming experience to long-distance movie nights. Although it requires a setup with Plex accounts, the effort is well worth it for the seamless viewing experience it offers. It’s about sharing those blockbuster hits or indie gems in the highest quality, making your movie nights a luxurious experience, even when you’re miles apart. Plex ensures that you’re both lost in the same cinematic world, sharing every moment as it unfolds.


Rave isn’t just to watch movies together long distance; it’s for sharing the whole experience. You can sync movies with music, creating a multimedia date night that’s both unique and memorable. It’s perfect for couples who love to end their movie nights with a shared playlist or enjoy videos that spark conversations. Rave understands the power of shared hobbies and interests in strengthening relationships, offering a platform where every night is an opportunity to discover more about each other.


MyCircleTV brings an added layer of intimacy to movie nights with its voice chat feature. It allows you to share thoughts and laughter in real-time, without the need for a separate messaging app. It’s the closest thing to whispering comments in each other’s ears, making the movie-watching experience deeply personal and engaging. MyCircleTV recognizes the importance of conversation in building connections, making it a fantastic choice for couples who love to discuss and watch movies together long distance.


In a long-distance relationship, finding ways to feel close and connected is crucial. These 9 apps offer more than just the ability to watch movies together long distance; they provide a portal to shared experiences, laughter, and intimacy that are essential for keeping love alive across the miles.

Whether it’s a romantic movie, a comedy that makes you laugh together, or a documentary that sparks deep conversations, these platforms ensure you have the best time as you watch movies together long distance, making those nights or even days special and loving as ever. So, grab some popcorn, choose a movie, and settle in for a romantic night with your significant other, proving that not even distance can dim the brightness of your love.

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I’m Nikita

Trust me, I understand the challenges of long-distance relationships all too well—been there for solid six years myself! That’s why I’m here: to share my survival guide, and to help you thrive in your love life, no matter the distance. Dive in for insights and inspiration to bridge the distance with love and laughter.

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